As required for planning permission, householder developments including extensions and loft conversions, barn conversions, change of use (prior approval), permitted development, works to listed buildings.
Types of survey
Preliminary Visual Assessment for bats and breeding birds (PVA)
Suitable for small householder developments
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA):
Suitable where land will be developed
Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIA)
A more in-depth assessment used if protected species are found to be present and likely to be impacted
Other surveys
Phase 1 and Phase 2 extended habitat surveys
Protected species surveys and reports to BS42020:2013 suitable for local authority planning applications, Permitted Development, Listed Building Consent, Prior Approval
Tree and woodland surveys for bats
Management plans for landowners wishing to promote wildlife
Wildlife Checklist/Wildlife Trigger List
Bat emergence and re-entry surveys of structures and trees
Other surveys on request
Bat certificate/bat licences
Natural England Mitigation Licence for developments
European Protected Species Licence (EPSL) (Bats)
Registered consultant for Low Impact Bat Licence (Bat Mitigation Class Licence) including lesser horseshoe bats.
Bat and bird surveys
Dormouse surveys
Badger surveys
Reptile surveys
Botanical surveys
Breeding bird surveys