Types of survey
Wildlife Trigger List indicates you need an ecology survey
Preliminary Visual Assessment for bats and breeding birds (PVA)
Suitable for small householder developments such as extensions, loft conversions, roof works, permitted developments, and some small barn conversions
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA):
Suitable where land, or land and buildings, will be developed
Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIA)
A more in-depth assessment used if protected species or habitats are present. The report contains results of any protected species surveys, mitigation or any licences required.
Bat surveys
Bat emergence and re-entry surveys using our team of bat surveyors covering Devon, Cornwall and Somerset
For more information on “What to expect from a bat survey” please see the CIEEM website handy guide
Reports produced to BS42020:2013 :Wildlife Checklist included (Devon)
Reptile surveys
Reptile surveys carried out by our experienced team through Devon and Cornwall
Dormouse surveys
Dormouse surveys for development or conservation. Licensed dormouse workers.
Tree and woodland surveys (bats/dormouse)
Where tree works or development may impact trees used by roosting bats, or dormouse habitat
Botanical surveys
Management plans for landowners wishing to promote wildlife
Other surveys on request